Project “Gas Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria” envisages the construction of a gas pipeline which will connect directly the national gas transmission networks of the Republic of Greece and the Republic of Bulgaria (“Gas pipeline” or “IGB”). The entry point of the Gas pipeline is within the region of the Komotini city (Greece), and the exit point – within the region of Stara Zagora city (Bulgaria). IGB will have an important strategic role, and the direct effects from its construction will be achieving actual diversification of the sources of natural gas supply for Bulgaria, for the market of natural gas in Southeastern Europe. It is envisaged that IGB will have a diameter of the pipe DN 800 (32”) and a total length of about 182 km. The gas pipeline shall be designed for a total natural gas transportation capacity of 5 billion cubic meters/per year with a Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) of 75 bars, and it should be able to operate at an initial capacity of approximately 3 billion cubic meters/per year. The gas pipeline shall be constructed in a way so as to ensure a reverse flow.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 21 Dec, 2018 |
End date | 21 Jun, 2021 |
Contract date | 21 Dec, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 559,292,262.64 |
Grant | 76,277,370.00 |
Self finance | 483,014,892.64 |
Total paid | 55,741,154.88 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |