Rehabilitation and modernization of external artificial lighting systems in Veliko Tarnovo

The project “Rehabilitation and modernization of external artificial lighting systems in Veliko Tarnovo” aims to improve energy efficiency through technological upgrading and modernization of outdoor artificial lighting systems owned by the municipality of Veliko Turnovo and to improve the living conditions of the population. The quality of street lighting, its construction, operation and maintenance depend entirely on the extent to which the requirements of the relevant regulatory framework are met: standards for brightness, illumination, general and longitudinal uniformity, dazzle and other parameters. Energy efficient lighting is a priority at both national and European levels. Street lighting is one of the major energy consumers in Veliko Tarnovo, which has influenced the growth of energy consumption in recent years. The project "Rehabilitation and modernization of external artificial lighting systems in Veliko Tarnovo" shall result in: • introduction of a new automated control system for street lighting with two-way data exchange; • replacement of luminaires with new, latest generation LEDs; • use of electricity from renewable energy sources; • replacement of brackets and structural elements for mounting and directing new lighting fixtures; • replacement of power cords in the metal poles to reduce damage due to cable accidents in the poles. The intervention is planned to be implemented in the most populated residential districts of Veliko Tarnovo - "Buzludzha", "Kolio Ficheto", "Kartala" and "Zona - B" with over 37,000 inhabitants. The expected investment results in 150% more efficient capacity installed and reduced emissions above 710 tCO2 eqivalent on annual basis. The new LED street lighting will meet the requirements of the BNS EN 13201 standard, which shall make Veliko Tarnovo more attractive at night, as well as shall reduce criminal events and traffic accidents at night.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 31 Mar, 2021
End date 01 Oct, 2022
Contract date 31 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 921,837.56
Grant 921,837.56
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Veliko Tarnovo