One Stop Shop for Zero Waste - Local communities support circular economy

The project proposal aims at introducing municipal schemes for separate collection and utilization of household waste (paper, glass, metal, hazardous household waste, electrical equipment, textiles and green waste) on the territory of two municipalities - Kameno and Karnobat. The introduction of the schemes will be carried out on the basis of a model for evaluation of consumption patterns and trends in waste generation in order to consider the specific characteristics of the local communities, waste flows and management capacities. Testing of good practices for establishment of municipal drop off sites for seperate waste collection and a pilot model for public - private partnership introducing a local deposit system to stimulate seperate collection of packing waste is envisaged within the project. Both being bench marking models of the sustainable waste management system of Norway and have been assessed as effective for the local context of the small settlements where they will be applied. The project includes the following activities: 1. Project management activities, preparation of documents and implementation of public procurement procedures, audit; 2. Development of a model for assessment of consumption patterns; 3. Introduction of municipal schemes for seperate collection of household waste including mobile centres for seperate collection, system of containers for green waste; 4. Pilot project for PPP to stimulate seperate collection on the territory of the Municipality of Kameno; 5. Infrastructure for utilization of seperate collected green waste for the two municipalities; 6. Information and communication activities to promote project results and the contribution of the FM of the EEA - information campaigns, press conferences, project Web site and an Interactive map with sites for seperate waste collection, e-brochure for the project, campaigns in social media and measures for visualization.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 13 Sep, 2021
End date 12 Sep, 2023
Contract date 13 Sep, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 779,629.10
Grant 779,629.10
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 350,833.09
EU participation percent 85.0%
