Enhancing the National Capacity for the Effective Implementation of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

The project will build on the outcomes of the activities under pre-defined project 3 and the additional bi-lateral fund initiatives under Programme BG 14, NFM 2009-2014 and will directly contribute, to the establishment of a human-rights-based approach among the justice institutions in Bulgaria in line with the principles of the efficiency of justice and the rule of law. It aims at ensuring synergies between the state actors in implementing the general measures prescribed by the ECtHR cases against Bulgaria and the relevant human rights standards, including law-drafting procedure and the decision-making. The main challenges are ineffective implementation of a significant number of ECtHR judgments against Bulgaria, the insufficient compliance of the domestic case-law with the international standards, the need to establish sustainable human rights law education, the need to further raise awareness of the human rights among state officials, and the need to ensure the rights of some of the most vulnerable groups in society. The project provides for the drafting of an Analysis of the reasons for the ineffective implementation of the ECtHR judgments and establishing a mechanism for cooperation in the execution process; A draft act regulating the procedure of execution of the ECtHR judgments and the institution's responsible is to be drawn up. Contact points in the administrations of the executive judicial and legislative authorities will be identified and trained. Measures to build a greater capacity for human rights education at universities are envisaged. Action plans will be prepared in connection with the judgments of “Yordanova and others v. Bulgaria” and “Nencheva and others v. Bulgaria”, translation of judgments and other acts of the ECtHR, publication of a bulletin on the ECtHR case law, training materials and development of the Bulgarian Human Rights Portal. The capacity of government agents will be enhanced through training and exchange of good practices.

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Status Contracted
Start date 04 Mar, 2020
End date 04 Mar, 2023
Contract date 04 Mar, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,466,872.50
Grant 1,466,872.50
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

