Bulgarian Cross-Border Dialogue v.2

Ensuring the data exchange functionality between the Management Information Systems of the IPA CBC Programmes, and the web portals of the programmes; Upgrade and development of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programmes web portals with modules to reflect the degree of achievement of specific indicators, the extent of the impact of the programmes on the regions involved, the selected areas of cooperation and the target groups, as well as for visualizing the results of surveys and public consultations on the upcoming programming period and the ability to connect and provide data to a database (http://www.patchworkbalkan.org/), created within the framework of the Project “Bulgarian Cross-Border Dialogue. Development of a regional database for cross-border cooperation", funded under the BG 11 Programme “Capacity Building and Institutional Cooperation" within Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. Establishment of long-lasting partnerships, promoting dialogue, exchange and dissemination of good practices in the area of management and implementation of the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. Sharing and exchange of experience on mechanisms to ensure synergies between territorial cooperation programmes and relevant EU Macro-regional strategies (EU Danube Strategy and EU Baltic Sea Strategy).

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Status In execution (under supervision)
Start date 18 May, 2021
End date 18 May, 2023
Contract date 18 May, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 710,377.01
Grant 710,377.01
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 100.0%

