Beekeeping and development by means of their own breeding activities and / or purchase of bee families,which are bred in organic way by a farmer Plamen Grigorov Nikolov.

Plamen Grigorov Nikolov was registered as a farmer on 15.04.2015. He is active in the North-East region of the Republic of Bulgaria.His farm activity is in the field of growth and creation of new bee families.In accordance with the commitments made on the implementation of the business plan, the farmer will develop by creating by means of their own breeding activities and / or purchase of bee families, which are bred in organic way.The farmer has a contract with a Certifying Authority and Certigication for organic productionis of bee honey perennial.The new bee families of their own breeding activities and / or purchase of bee families, which are bred in organic way.An investment is foreseen by the purchase of a printing machine.

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Дата на стартиране 26 Мар, 2021
Дата на приключване 26 Сеп, 2025
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