In Bulgaria, on average, about 200 children in the age between 0 and 18 have cancer.The chances of complete healing are between 65 and 85%. Treatment is long and difficult. Every child undergoing cancer treatment is a child at risk and there is a huge need for a period of mental recovery. Prolonged treatment, hair loss, frequent changes in appearance and limited social contacts lead to many psychological problems. Other children in the family experience no less stress than a sick child. They feel guilty and afraid of illness. As a result of the diagnosis, life in the family changes suddenly. These factors determine the target groups of the project - children and young people/survivors with onco-hematological diseases, their parents, siblings, and families who have lost a child in the battle with cancer. The purpose of the activities at the center is for the children and their families to regain their self-esteem, to overcome post-hospital parental control in a safe environment through specially prepared therapeutic programs and support groups. In addition to restoring normal communication between the child and the parent, the former patients' confidence in communicating with their peers will be worked on. Strategic games will help children learn to collaborate and understand each other's perspectives. Comprehensive work with children and their families will lead to a significant improvement in mental health, facilitation of re-socialization, easier adaptation to return to school, and consequently the elimination of the risk to the child. The stay in the center will be of different duration and will be organized in different ways - only children/young people; children and siblings; children with one companion (when they cannot be alone); whole families; families who have lost their child. The Recovery Center service is innovative. The main activities of the project are: study of good practices, preparation of methodology and work programs, provision of the service.
Обща информация
Статус | В изпълнение (от дата на стартиране) |
Дата на стартиране | 15 Юли, 2020 |
Дата на приключване | 15 Юли, 2022 |
Дата на договора | 12 Юни, 2020 |
Финансова информация
Обща стойност | 1,223,982.67 |
БФП | 1,223,982.67 |
Собствено финансиране | 0.00 |
Общо реално изплатени суми | 668,455.28 |
Процент на участие на ЕС | 85,0% |