Establishment of Youth International Center Burgas

“Establishing of Youth International Center Burgas” project is foreseeing the provision of a modern and efficient culture infrastructure meeting the high standards of the Council of Europe for youth work and providing quality, varied and complex services in support of the development of the youth sector. The Municipality of Burgas has chosen a territory in the largest and most densely populated city neighborhoods – “Meden Rudnik” Residential Area, for the construction of a Youth International Center. The terrain is located close to a central street artery, main public transport lines and a school. The newly constructed building will consist mainly of one ground floor with two additional smaller floors providing accommodation and recreation services. The center is planned to have separate rooms intended for holding conferences, seminars, meetings and non-formal educational activities, including those with an international scope. The Center’s activity will be aimed at supporting and improving the quality of life of young people aged between 15-29 years by conducting non-formal cultural and educational activities. The services provided by it will be accessible to all young people, including representatives of low-income families, people with disabilities, ethnic minority youths, as well as those living in small and remote settlements around the city of Burgas. With the project implementation, Burgas Municipality will offer quality services to young people in accordance with their needs; encourage their activity and creativity; contribute to their personal development and growth; and improve international youth cooperation. The project is of utmost importance for the Municipality of Burgas and a milestone /key moment in the sustainable development of a youth society.

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Статус В изпълнение (от дата на стартиране)
Дата на стартиране 20 Окт, 2020
Дата на приключване 21 Мар, 2024
Дата на договора 20 Окт, 2020
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Финансова информация

Обща стойност 4,741,250.00
БФП 3,716,020.00
Собствено финансиране 1,025,230.00
Общо реално изплатени суми 743,204.00
Процент на участие на ЕС 85,0%

